List of the 10 Best Ngos in Bangladesh

Here is a list, in no particular order, of the 10 best NGOs in Bangladesh based on their impactful work in various sectors such as education, healthcare, human rights, and poverty alleviation: BRAC, Grameen Bank, ASA, CARE Bangladesh, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee, Friendship, Yunus Centre, WaterAid Bangladesh, JAAGO Foundation, and Dhaka Ahsania Mission. These NGOs have been recognized for their significant contributions to social and economic development in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is home to numerous NGOs dedicated to addressing critical social and economic challenges. From empowering women and marginalized communities to providing essential healthcare services and promoting sustainable development, these organizations play a pivotal role in uplifting the nation. We will explore the top 10 NGOs that have made a lasting impact on the lives of the people they serve.

History Of Ngo Development In Bangladesh

Bangladesh has a rich history and robust development of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that have significantly contributed to the nation’s social and economic progress. The history of NGO development in Bangladesh is a tale of resilience, innovation, and dedication to addressing the critical needs of the population. Early initiatives laid the foundation for the remarkable impact of NGOs on social and economic development in the country.

Early Initiatives

The emergence of NGOs in Bangladesh dates back to the late 1970s, following the country’s struggle for independence. The devastating effects of the War of Liberation in 1971 prompted the need for extensive reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts. This period saw the birth of numerous non-profit organizations dedicated to providing humanitarian aid, healthcare, and educational support to the war-affected population.

Impact On Social And Economic Development

The impact of NGOs on social and economic development in Bangladesh has been profound. These organizations have played a pivotal role in empowering communities, promoting gender equality, and fostering sustainable development. Through various initiatives, NGOs have contributed to poverty alleviation, healthcare accessibility, education reform, and environmental conservation. Their efforts have led to significant improvements in livelihoods, social inclusion, and overall well-being for marginalized populations across the country.

List of the 10 Best Ngos in Bangladesh


Evaluation Metrics

Evaluating NGOs in Bangladesh involves assessing various key metrics to determine their efficiency and impact. The evaluation process helps stakeholders make informed decisions about funding, collaboration, and support. It also ensures that the selected NGOs are transparent, accountable, and focused on sustainable community development. In this article, we’ll explore the evaluation metrics for the 10 best NGOs in Bangladesh, focusing on transparency and accountability, project sustainability, and community impact.

Transparency And Accountability

Transparency and accountability are vital for NGOs to gain trust and support from the public, donors, and the government. The extent to which an NGO discloses information about its operations, finances, and decision-making processes reflects its commitment to transparency. Additionally, accountable NGOs ensure that their activities align with their mission, and they are answerable for their actions.

Project Sustainability

Project sustainability is a crucial aspect of NGO evaluation. It involves assessing the long-term viability and impact of the organization’s projects. Sustainable projects are designed to endure beyond the initial funding period and continue to benefit the community. Evaluators consider the NGO’s strategies for resource management, capacity building, and partnerships to ensure the sustainability of their projects.

Community Impact

Community impact assessment focuses on the tangible and intangible benefits that NGOs bring to the communities they serve. This includes improvements in education, healthcare, livelihoods, infrastructure, and overall well-being. An effective NGO positively impacts the lives of the community members, enhances their resilience, and empowers them to lead sustainable, dignified lives.


BRAC, one of the largest non-governmental organizations in the world, plays a pivotal role in the development of Bangladesh. Its diverse range of initiatives and their impact on society are truly commendable. Let’s delve into the overview, key initiatives, and impact of BRAC to understand its significant contributions to the nation.


Founded in 1972, BRAC has evolved into a comprehensive development organization dedicated to alleviating poverty and empowering communities. With a focus on multidimensional programs, BRAC has made substantial strides in education, healthcare, social and economic development, and human rights advocacy. Its holistic approach has allowed it to impact millions of lives across Bangladesh.

Key Initiatives And Impact

BRAC’s key initiatives encompass a wide array of sectors, including education, healthcare, microfinance, and social enterprise. Notably, its education programs have revolutionized access to quality education for underprivileged children, with a network of schools and innovative teaching methodologies. In the healthcare sector, BRAC has pioneered community-based healthcare services, reaching remote areas with essential medical support. Moreover, its microfinance programs have empowered individuals, particularly women, to become entrepreneurs and improve their economic standing.

Grameen Bank

The Grameen Bank is a renowned microfinance institution in Bangladesh, founded by Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus in 1983. It has been instrumental in providing financial services to the impoverished population, especially women, and revolutionizing the concept of microfinance globally.

Microfinance Revolution

The Grameen Bank pioneered the concept of microfinance, offering small loans to individuals and enabling them to start their own businesses. This approach has empowered countless individuals who lacked access to traditional banking services and has sparked a global movement towards micro-lending as a means of poverty alleviation.

Social And Economic Impact

The Grameen Bank’s microfinance programs have had a profound impact on the social and economic landscape of Bangladesh. By extending financial services to the marginalized communities, it has contributed to economic development, improved living standards, and reduced poverty levels across the country.

Save The Children

Meta tags for SEO Best NGOs in Bangladesh: Save the Children

Save the Children is a globally renowned organization working diligently to improve the lives of children around the world, including in Bangladesh. Through a combination of innovative programs and tireless dedication, Save the Children has made a significant impact on the child welfare and education sectors in Bangladesh.

Child welfare programs

Child Welfare Programs

Save the Children runs a range of child welfare programs in Bangladesh, aimed at protecting and improving the well-being of children. These programs address various aspects of child welfare such as healthcare, nutrition, and protection from harm. Through targeted interventions and community engagement, Save the Children has positively impacted the lives of countless children across the country.

Educational initiatives

Educational Initiatives

Save the Children’s educational initiatives in Bangladesh are focused on ensuring that every child has access to quality education. By establishing sustainable educational programs and building schools and learning centers in remote and underserved areas, the organization is empowering children through knowledge and skills. Save the Children’s educational initiatives play a pivotal role in shaping a brighter future for the youth of Bangladesh.


10 Best NGOs in Bangladesh

Friendship, a renowned non-governmental organization (NGO) in Bangladesh, has been instrumental in addressing diverse social challenges. Its commitment to humanity and sustainable development has positioned it as a leading force in the country’s philanthropic landscape.

Healthcare And Disaster Relief

Friendship’s remarkable efforts in healthcare and disaster relief have significantly impacted the lives of many Bangladeshis. It has established numerous healthcare centers in remote areas, providing essential medical services to underserved communities. Additionally, Friendship has been at the forefront of disaster response, swiftly mobilizing resources and aid to alleviate the suffering caused by natural calamities.

Sustainable Development Projects

The organization’s commitment to sustainable development is evident through its diverse projects that aim to empower communities and preserve the environment. Friendship’s initiatives in sustainable agriculture, clean water access, and alternative energy solutions have fostered resilience and self-sufficiency among marginalized populations, creating a positive impact on both people and the planet.

Dhaka Ahsania Mission

Top NGOs in Bangladesh – Dhaka Ahsania Mission

Dhaka Ahsania Mission is a prominent non-governmental organization in Bangladesh committed to improving the lives of the underprivileged through various sustainable initiatives and programs. Established in 1958, the mission has been dedicated to addressing the social, economic, and environmental challenges faced by the community, with a strong focus on healthcare, education, and community development.

Healthcare And Education

One of the core areas of focus for Dhaka Ahsania Mission is healthcare and education. Their healthcare initiatives include providing medical services in underserved areas, conducting health awareness campaigns, and establishing healthcare facilities to ensure access to quality healthcare for all. In terms of education, the mission emphasizes on literacy programs, supporting schools, and offering vocational training to empower individuals for sustainable livelihoods.

Community Development Initiatives

The organization’s community development initiatives are aimed at fostering sustainable development and self-reliance within the community. Through various projects, such as livelihood support programs, women empowerment initiatives, and environmental conservation efforts, Dhaka Ahsania Mission strives to enhance the overall well-being and socio-economic status of the people in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (brac)

Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) is a leading NGO in Bangladesh, dedicated to alleviating poverty and empowering communities across the country. With a wide range of programs and initiatives, BRAC has made significant strides in addressing the socio-economic challenges faced by the underprivileged population.

Empowerment Programs

BRAC focuses on empowering individuals and communities through various programs designed to enhance their skills and capabilities. These empowerment initiatives include education, vocational training, and advocacy for women’s rights. BRAC’s commitment to empowering marginalized communities has contributed to positive social transformation and the inclusion of disadvantaged groups in mainstream society.

Microfinance Activities

One of BRAC’s notable initiatives is its microfinance activities, which aim to provide financial resources to small entrepreneurs and individuals lacking access to traditional banking services. Through microloans and financial literacy programs, BRAC has enabled countless individuals to start or expand their small businesses, ultimately fostering economic growth and stability within local communities.

World Vision Bangladesh

World Vision Bangladesh is a leading NGO that has been committed to working with children, families, and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Through various child-focused initiatives, as well as health and sanitation projects, World Vision Bangladesh has been making a significant impact on the lives of people across the country.

Child-focused Initiatives

One of the key areas of focus for World Vision Bangladesh is its child-focused initiatives. The organization is dedicated to ensuring that every child has access to education, healthcare, and a safe environment. By providing essential resources and support, World Vision Bangladesh aims to give children the opportunity to reach their full potential and break the cycle of poverty.

Health And Sanitation Projects

World Vision Bangladesh is actively involved in health and sanitation projects to improve the overall well-being of communities. The organization works to provide access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and essential healthcare services. By addressing these fundamental needs, World Vision Bangladesh is contributing to the improved health and livelihoods of countless individuals and families.

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society

The Bangladesh Red Crescent Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, and community healthcare programs to the people of Bangladesh. Founded in 1973, it operates under the principles of the Red Cross movement, with a mission to alleviate human suffering, protect life and health, and uphold human dignity.

Disaster Response And Relief Efforts

The Bangladesh Red Crescent Society has been at the forefront of disaster response and relief efforts in the country, providing immediate assistance to those affected by natural disasters such as cyclones, floods, and landslides. Their rapid deployment teams are trained to respond quickly to emergencies, offering shelter, food, medical aid, and other essentials to those in need.

Community Healthcare Programs

In addition to disaster response, the organization also focuses on community healthcare programs, aiming to improve access to healthcare services for vulnerable populations. Through its network of volunteers and healthcare professionals, the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society conducts health education campaigns, provides vaccinations, and facilitates access to basic healthcare services in remote and underserved areas.

Care Bangladesh

CARE Bangladesh is a renowned non-governmental organization dedicated to eradicating poverty and social injustice. With a strong focus on empowering women and uplifting communities, CARE Bangladesh has made significant strides in various areas including women’s empowerment, livelihood, and environmental projects. Let’s take a closer look at the impactful initiatives undertaken by CARE Bangladesh.

Women’s Empowerment

CARE Bangladesh is unwavering in its commitment to empowering women across Bangladesh. Their programs aim to enhance women’s access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. Through various skill-building workshops and vocational training, CARE Bangladesh enables women to become self-sufficient and active contributors to their communities. The organization also advocates for women’s rights and works to eliminate gender-based violence and discrimination, creating a more equitable society.

Livelihood And Environmental Projects

CARE Bangladesh has been at the forefront of livelihood and environmental projects, implementing sustainable initiatives to improve the lives of local communities. By promoting agroecological practices, sustainable forestry, and eco-friendly technologies, the organization supports livelihood diversification and environmental conservation. These efforts not only strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities but also contribute to the overall well-being of the environment.

Asa Bangladesh

ASA Bangladesh is one of the pioneering non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the country. Since its inception in 1978, ASA has been dedicated to uplifting marginalized communities through various programs focused on microfinance, health, and education.

Microfinance Efforts

ASA Bangladesh is renowned for its impactful microfinance initiatives, providing financial services to over 6 million clients, predominantly women, in rural and urban areas. Through microcredit, saving, and insurance schemes, ASA has empowered individuals to start and expand their businesses, thereby fostering economic sustainability.

Health And Education Programs

ASA places substantial emphasis on healthcare and education, particularly in underserved regions. The organization operates healthcare centers, conducts medical camps, and delivers educational programs to promote preventive care and awareness. Additionally, ASA Bangladesh’s educational initiatives focus on adult literacy and children’s education, thereby contributing to overall community development.

Frequently Asked Questions Of List Of The 10 Best Ngos In Bangladesh

What Are The Criteria For Selecting The Best Ngos In Bangladesh?

The selection of the best NGOs in Bangladesh is based on their impact, transparency, accountability, and sustainability. Factors such as community engagement, innovative programs, and effective management also play a crucial role in determining the top NGOs.

How Do Ngos In Bangladesh Contribute To Social And Economic Development?

NGOs in Bangladesh contribute to social and economic development through various initiatives such as poverty alleviation, healthcare, education, women’s empowerment, and environmental sustainability. Their holistic approach addresses the root causes of issues, fostering long-term change in the community.

What Are The Challenges Faced By Ngos In Bangladesh?

Challenges faced by NGOs in Bangladesh include limited funding, bureaucratic hurdles, cultural barriers, and political instability. Additionally, ensuring transparency, maintaining credibility, and navigating complex legal frameworks are ongoing challenges for NGOs operating in the country.


In a country like Bangladesh, the invaluable work of NGOs makes a significant impact on society. The 10 NGOs outlined in this list have demonstrated unwavering commitment to various critical causes. By supporting their efforts, we can collectively contribute to the betterment of the nation.

Join hands with these NGOs and be a part of positive change.

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